Sab said:
This only works when studying nonintelligent forces. Science falls dead flat when attempting to study intelligent forces such as "Ghosts", "Angels" and "Devils" and therefore wrongly concludes that they are non intelligent, or a fabrication of human intelligence.
So, by your "interesting" hypothesis on the limits of science, then men shouldn't be able to study dolphins, whales, dogs, birds, or primates? They're all intelligent forces, aren't they?
You think, YOU, Sab, a mere goofy mortal, are going to be able to do battle with forces who are magnitudes smarter than you, and able to distort your reality? And just think: God LETS them operate!!!
Why do you think the story of David and Goliath was written down? To show that arguments such as this one are full of crap.
Since you answered a question with a Bible story, that makes it pretty clear that your answer is YES: you DO see yourself as a character out of the Bible or LOTR or Star Wars, someone with a crucial, critical role to play in the ultimate battle between good vs evil. The story of David and Goliath apparently has some personal message and meaning to you, to bolster your courage (as if it was written for you, and not just a story that could be read by 7 BILLION other people alive today).
Most people go to a movie and enjoy it, but they don't identify with the story to the point where they try to LIVE in the movie. That means the person has a difficult time discerning between make-believe (fantasy) and reality, and often cannot tell where one ends and the other begins.
Granted, JWs actually ENCOURAGE that kind of blurring of lines from early childhood with their "My Book of Bible Stories", asking the child how it relates to THEIR life. This level of intimacy is unparalleled by any other book (and the Jesuits were right when they said to give them a person under 7 and they can make the man). No WONDER so many JW kids grow up and cannot think critically for themselves, as that's a PART of JW mental knee-capping, AKA "brain-washing".
Sab, you rallied against the cruel brain-washing techniques of JWs when protesting Recovery's presence here, but you seem to be emotionally-blinded by the fact that the very TOOL they use against individuals IS the Bible, by personalizing the book, using exactly the methods above! It's the same Bible used by other religions, for similar results.
I fully expect that you won't get it (yet): it's probably going to take a little more time for you to accept it, as you're still under the influence. Like Kaiser Sozes' line about his own disinformation campaign of creating an imaginary mastermind criminal in 'Usual Suspects', "the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was making men believe he doesn't exist". In Sozes's case, he made a mythical figure (himself) exist in other people's minds, AKA projecting larger shadows, in order to intimidate them.
That applies to JW brain-washing using the Bible, which DOES exist.
When I was a child, I used to think as a child: then I grew up and accepted I am not as important as I'd like to think, just one of 7 billion.... You guys need to get over yourselves, as believing in ancient fairy tales without evidence (and much to the contrary) is hardly something worth being falsely humble over, let alone BRAGGING about.
So that's the reason you are on this forum? To "expose" childish behavior? What a petty interest, but whatever floats your boat.
My reason for being here is to help JWs wake, to expose the great lie.
Some who THINK they've awoken here are not, but simply stay asleep after changing the bed they're sleeping in.
Finkelstein said:
If the WTS is still around in a hundred years from now everything taught today will be chucked out to be replaced by other created theologies.
I fully expect that they WILL be around in 100 years, for as PT Barnum said, there's a sucker born every minute.